so apparently blogging is the in thing. cooler than myspace, better than facebook, why bother with e-mail when you can blog?
being as I usually have three or so nights by myself a week I figure better to blog than watch what passes as entertaining on television. I don't know what kind of reality the rest of you have but mine sure isn't 'jerseylicious'. Besides hopefully typing will keep my hands to busy to reach into that bag of chocolate chips sitting next to me (personal vice- I love all things chocolate) and also away from a certain carton of ice cream in the freezer that sure would taste good right about now. I'm always amazed at how many of my bad habits sneak out to play when its late at night. especially when my husband is gone, I can stay up all night reading a novel, playing scrabble on my iphone or texting friends in other time zones. But if my man is home I seem to just snuggle right in to him and drift off early. I've only done this married thing for 7+ some months and I wonder if its crazy; this split personality I seem to have... do all women secretly give in to guilty pleasures like staying up late just to finish a novel, dance in the living room or not do the dishes for the night cause who really is going to notice when their spouse is away? Maybe its something I should see a professional about.... any opinions? Hey look at me I'm blogging now too, aren't I so cool?
oh i'm so excited to blog stalk you :) i'm that way too when scott goes out of town. i stay up late, watch girly shows, and eat like crap!