Monday, May 9, 2011

lost time

Slacker slacker slacker. I knew I wouldn’t be any good at this blogging thing. But I do want to give a life update for the benefit of myself. Chad and I are waiting to move out of our apartment (two weeks 3 days and 11 hours but who is counting?) until the current occupants should move out and we can move in. Happy face! I have my motorcycle license and am looking to upgrade from my 250 because I’m tired of "put put putting" behind my husband on his Victory. Chad is taking a class to become a MSF instructor for the air force which means we have been sleeping in the same bed and will get to for 2 wks -now if only I could train him not to steal the covers? Oh well, I usually only have him 4 nights at time so I suppose I can share the covers if it means I get to keep him. I just got back from a visit to Utah where I was able to spend time w/ family and friends it only took me an extra 12 hours to get home- gotta love airlines. Chad and I had to run up to Eilson on Friday and l saw green grass which proves that Fairbanks will be beautiful again …I hope :D.... more later I have to take a call